Jumat, 29 September 2017

Students learn tips for navigating adulthood - The Lion's Roar Newspaper

University Laundry Tips, - Google News
Students learn tips for navigating adulthood - The Lion's Roar Newspaper

The Lion's Roar Newspaper

Students learn tips for navigating adulthood
The Lion's Roar Newspaper
In room 2203 of the Student Union, university students gathered to learn tips on handling the intricacies of adulthood. "Adulting 101 ... For washing clothes, Tolson took students through the different laundry care symbols and what they mean. Students ...

Staying Safe on and off Campus - BU Today

BU Today

Staying Safe on and off Campus
BU Today
Over the coming days, you'll find tips about how to do laundry, how to shop for groceries, what to look for when buying textbooks and backpacks, how best to manage your personal finances, how to stay safe on—and off—campus, and how to reduce stress ...

University checklist - Telegraph.co.uk


University checklist
Unless you've taken time to explain about separating whites from other laundry, handling delicates with caution and steering clear of maximum spin, they'll be bunging greasy tea-towels in with their best T-shirts and shrinking their expensive jeans ...

Liquid Laundry Detergent Pods Pose Lethal Risk for Adults With Dementia - ConsumerReports.org


Liquid Laundry Detergent Pods Pose Lethal Risk for Adults With Dementia
“As a result of this new data from the CPSC highlighting the potential risks of laundry detergent pods to adults with dementia, we are amending our advice and recommending that family members caring for anyone who is cognitively impaired not keep pods ...

and more »

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