Sabtu, 30 September 2017

Laundry Day

Recent Uploads tagged laundry
Laundry Day
Laundry Day

Marietta Dooley posted a photo:

Laundry Day

Fox weather vane.
Fox weather vane.

rustyruth1959 posted a photo:

Fox weather vane.

Plas yn Rhiw

The building at the far end of the cobbled courtyard, with the fox weather vane on the roof, is now holiday accomodation. It dates from the 18th century and has been used in the past as a laundry, brewhouse and bakery.

In the courtyard itself the walls indicate that it has previously been used to house geese in pens. The dairy and tack house were also located in this yard.

Thank you for your visit and your comments, they are greatly appreciated.

Indoors  Laundry Home Interior One Person Sheet Working Real People Washing Machine Housework Built Structure Bed Cleaning Women Bedroom Architecture Day Adult People Working Wood Flooring
Indoors Laundry Home Interior One Person Sheet Working Real People Washing Machine Housework Built Structure Bed Cleaning Women Bedroom Architecture Day Adult People Working Wood Flooring

LeFoox1318 posted a photo:

Indoors  Laundry Home Interior One Person Sheet Working Real People Washing Machine Housework Built Structure Bed Cleaning Women Bedroom Architecture Day Adult People Working Wood Flooring

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