Kamis, 05 Oktober 2017

The Most Clever Laundry Hacks You've Never Heard Of - The Cheat Sheet

Laundry Tips And Tricks Vinegar, - Google News
The Most Clever Laundry Hacks You've Never Heard Of - The Cheat Sheet

The Most Clever Laundry Hacks You've Never Heard Of
The Cheat Sheet
Of all the weekly chores, laundry is definitely one of the most hated. Just when you get every article of dirty clothing sorted, washed, dried, ironed, folded, hung up, and put away, inevitably the laundry hamper is full once again. Unless you uproot ...

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Twitter search: Laundry
One time I removed the crotch on all of Master's pants and he wouldn't let me do his laundry for a month.
とらららちゃ @meidosantorara

One time I removed the crotch on all of Master's pants and he wouldn't let me do his laundry for a month.

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